Dear visitors,
It's been very long since I've posted a message. I've been very busy since I started going to school again in september. But actually this is kind of an excuse, the truth is that I was just lazy.
I often reminded myself that I should not forget to post, but in the end I just kept delaying it XD.
Before it gets 2012 (and that will happen soon!), I wanted to start posting again so that this blog won't die!
So I made 3 brand new combinations and I hope you like them!
Seeya in 2012!!
(because of my vacation I'll make my new post around mid-January. I promise that!! (>ワ<) ♪
It's been very long since I've posted a message. I've been very busy since I started going to school again in september. But actually this is kind of an excuse, the truth is that I was just lazy.
I often reminded myself that I should not forget to post, but in the end I just kept delaying it XD.
Before it gets 2012 (and that will happen soon!), I wanted to start posting again so that this blog won't die!
So I made 3 brand new combinations and I hope you like them!
Seeya in 2012!!
(because of my vacation I'll make my new post around mid-January. I promise that!! (>ワ<) ♪